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The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market is not subjected to one trading place. It exists wherever and whenever one currency is traded for another. Because foreign exchange is an OTC market where brokers and dealers negotiate directly with one another, there is no need for central exchange or clearing house.
An important factor separating the seasoned traders from the amateurs is Objective Forex Trade.Unlike exchange-based markets, FOREX markets operate 24 hours a day. Therefore, FOREX dealers view their customer positions concidering Objective Forex Trade most carefuly. It is easy to demonstrate that Objective Forex Trade is important. A total lack of Objective Forex Trade would mean risking everything on any one trade.

OBJECTIVE FOREX TRADE used by successful traders to leverage their winnings and create real wealth. Improved your trading skills to the point that you are mastering Objective Forex Trade can begin applying the Leverage System.The growth in trading of financial assets (stocks and bonds) has reshaped the way analysts and traders look at Objective Forex Trade. Economic markers such as economic growth, inflation and productivity are no longer the major influencial drivers of Objective Forex Trade.


There is no place in the world like Forex trading market to accomplish success in spawning oodles of money. The Foreign Exchange trading, popularly known as Forex, deals with purchase and sell of foreign currencies and thus, holds unleashed potential equivalent to share trading.

Businessman Going up

How does it Work

Forex trading is driven by the fluctuating forces existing in the currency market. These forces are capable of playing with the prices of currencies from different countries. Thus, there is a constant revision of the worth possessed by each currency.

* Investment in Forex trading is made by converting one currency into another during its deceased value phase on the run.
* When the prices of new currency climb new heights, the investor has the options to convert it back to the original form or alter it into other another currency.

Thus, keeping in mind the fact that nothing remains constant in this universe, one can expect to earn high yields on Forex trading investments. The prospective investors in this market must learn existing trends in Forex trading before making serious investments.

Essence of Forex Auto Trading

Forex auto trading is the latest buzz in the investment market. There are a number of automated software tools, which are taking the Forex investment market by storm. One of the most accepted and appreciated Forex auto trading software is Forex Auto Pilot, popularly known as FAPS.

So, why does an investor need to look upon at these efficient software systems for Forex trading?

* First of all, these systems work beyond the capabilities of humans in exploring the high and low phases of Forex trade market. Thus, these tools are helpful in employing extensive research for your investment to flourish.
* These tools are capable of keeping the knowledge of each world currency in its database and utilizing this information to bring desired profits for the investors.
* Being a human, it is impossible for investors to keep their eyes on computer screen for 24 hours a day. However, one may hire these tools to work round-the-clock without asking for a lunch break.
* The auto Forex trading tools are dedicated to fuel the idea of home-business. Let us keep this point on hold for further discussion later on.
* These systems are risk-analyzers. Thus, the risk factors, which might be overlooked by human eyes, are analyzed by these systems.
* These automated tools are considered as connoisseurs in handling the voluminous data associated with Forex market, which may take serious turns in fractions of seconds.
* Also, one may invest in more than one trade at a given point of time with the help of these automated software systems. More than that, it allows the investor to make investments on different trading platforms.

A proficient trader can enhance his or her proficiency level by learning the benefits of Forex trading systems. However, moral of the story is that Forex automated trading software systems have proven their mettle in the world of investments and this has been made possible by thinking minds behind these systems.
In the Horde of Forex Trading Systems

Every new development in a particular field is accompanied by the dawn of service providers to prove their flair in providing maximum benefits associated with it. In case of Forex trading automated systems, a number of products have been launched in the recent times and the number is still going strong. However, it is not in the aptitude of everyone to provide underlying functionality in the form of these automated systems.

One celebrated name in this direction is that of Forex Auto Pilot System, as it comes from the bench of a successful Forex trader. The system has been endowed with all capabilities to emerge as a powerful Forex trading tool.

Man on The Phone

If you are unable to decide upon the right choice for these automated tools, it is recommended to employ extensive research and read reviews of auto Forex trading tools available on different web portals.
Automated Tools for Self-Employment

As we promised in our previous discussions on the benefits offered by Forex trading tools, it is time to unfold the potency of these systems in providing an excellent opportunity of home-based business to millions of people, who desire to do so. There are many reasons, why people want to leave their job and switch over to self-employment:

* First and most important reason is that the skills of an individual are not suitably paid by doing jobs.
* Majority of bread-earners are frustrated victims of bosses and seniors jumping over their heads.
* Most of the people in regular jobs are unhappy with a dull routine of waking up early, commuting long distances to reach offices and then, listening to commands. So, how about being your own boss and that too, at the comfort of your home?

Thus, the stage is set for tools like auto Forex trading systems to add a commendable worth to your earnings within a short period of time. Thus, there is no scope of turning down the effectiveness of these tools to reach your destination. One has to simply sit back and relax, after surrendering the load to these systems. It demands only few minutes to glance at computer screen and let these tools describe the reports generated throughout the day.
Making Efficient Usage of Forex Trading Tools

Possessing one of these automatic tools is not enough for a budding investor. It is time to introduce you to newly purchased system and learn the tracks of reaching the peak of investment market.

* First of all, you must make an effective selection amongst desktop-installed software or Internet-facilitated automated tool for Forex trading. The later one definitely shares more benefits with an investor:

1. First of all, there is no headache of maintaining the software.
2. Also, you may access this software from different corners of the world
3. Most importantly, it is a more secure system as compared to desktop based application.

* After making a good selection, one must study the software to its depth. It is always good to know the system, which promises to earn significant money for your investments.
* One must understand the real meaning of word ‘auto’. These tools are made self-sufficient to work for the investor. Thus, it is not a wise act to interfere in its working.
* Now, that doesn’t mean that an investor should not possess the know-how of Forex trade market. Keep your knowledge updated to entertain the requirements at any point of time.

Having said all, it is time to express the gratitude towards people, who burn their night oils in coming up with these wonderful automated systems. The development of these systems requires the knowledge of two significant aspects. Firstly, there must be updated knowledge of trends existing in Forex trading market to prepare all type of figures and calculative functionality for these systems. Secondly, technical knowledge of computer programming completes the picture of ending up with a dependable tool for trading.

Believing our beliefs that it is nice to recommend good things to others, we want to help your search for Forex trading systems to attain meaning. Forex Auto Pilot System is the talk of the town for all good reasons. The system promises most effectual currency trading in the biggest market of world. Thus, there is no fun in wasting the time. Get set to attain what is called the status of a millionaire.


Given that there is in excess of $2 trillion a day being traded on the forex market, it’s easy to believe that there will always be enough liquidity in the market to do what needs doing. Sadly, belief doesn’t negate the truth that for each and every buyer in the market, there MUST also be a seller, otherwise no transaction can occur. If an order is too big to handle at the current price, then the price has to move to a point where there is enough open interest to cover the transaction. Each time you see a price move even a single pip, it’s an indication that an order was transacted or executed which “consumed” the open interest at its existing price. Prices can move in no other way


Here are some of the most common terms used in FOREX trading.

Ask Price ¨C Sometimes called the Offer Price, this is the market price for traders to buy currencies. Ask Prices are shown on the right side of a quote ¨C e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be bought for 1.1968 UD dollars.

Bar Chart ¨C A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a vertical bar which show the following information ¨C the top of the bar is the high price, the bottom of the bar is the low price, the horizontal line on the left of the bar shows the opening price and the horizontal line on the right of bar shows the closing price.

Base Currency ¨C is the first currency in a currency pair. A quote shows how much the base currency is worth in the quote (second) currency. For example, in the quote - USD/JPY 112.13 ¨C US dollars are the base currency, with 1 US dollar being worth 112.13 Japanese yen.

Bid Price ¨C is the price a trader can sell currencies. The Bid Price is shown on the left side of a quote - e.g. EUR/USD 1.1965 / 68 ¨C means that one euro can be sold for 1.1965 UD dollars.

Bid/Ask Spread ¨C is the difference between the bid price and the ask price in any currency quotation. The spread represents the broker's fee, and varies from broker to broker.

Broker ¨C the intermediary between buyer and seller. Most FOREX brokers are associated with large financial institutions and earn money by setting a spread between bid and ask prices.

Candlestick Chart - A type of chart used in Technical Analysis. Each time division on the chart is displayed as a candlestick ¨C a red or green vertical bar with extensions above and below the candlestick body. The top of the extension shows the highest price for the chart division and the bottom of the extension shows the lowest price. Red candlesticks indicate a lower closing price than opening price, and green candlesticks indicate the price is rising.

Cross Currency ¨C A currency pair that does not include US dollars ¨C e.g. EUR/GBP.

Currency Pair ¨C Two currencies involved in a FOREX transaction ¨C e.g. EUR/USD.

Economic Indicator ¨C A statistical report issued by governments or academic institutions indicating economic conditions within a country.

First In First Out (FIFO) ¨C refers to the order open orders are liquidated. The first orders to be liquidated are the first that were opened.

Foreign Exchange (FOREX, FX) ¨C Simultaneously buying one currency and selling another.

Fundamental Analysis ¨C Analysis of political and economic conditions that can affect currency prices.

Leverage or Margin ¨C The ratio of the value of a transaction to the required deposit. A common margin for FOREX trading is 100:1 ¨C you can trade currency worth 100 times the amount of your deposit.

Limit Order ¨C An order to buy or sell when the price reaches a specified level.

Lot ¨C The size of a FOREX transaction. Standard lots are worth about 100,000 US dollars.

Major Currency ¨C The euro, German mark, Swiss franc, British pound, and the Japanese yen are the major currencies.

Minor Currency ¨C The Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and the New Zealand dollar are the minor currencies.

One Cancels the Other (OCO) ¨C Two orders placed simultaneously with instructions to cancel the second order on execution of the first.

Open Position ¨C An active trade that has not been closed.

Pips or Points ¨C The smallest unit a currency can be traded in.

Quote Currency ¨C The second currency in a currency pair. In the currency pair USD/EUR the euro is the quote currency.

Rollover ¨C Extending the settlement time of spot deals to the current delivery date. The cost of rollover is calculated using swap points based on interest rate differentials.

Technical Analysis ¨C Analysis of historical market data to predict future movements in the market.

Tick ¨C The minimum change in price.

Transaction Cost ¨C The cost of a FOREX transaction ¨C typically the spread between bid and ask prices.

Volatility ¨C A statistical measure indicating the tendency of sharp price movements within a period of time.


The old battlefields of the middle ages are not gone, they have merely changed form. Hundreds of years ago normal men would set out to build their empires by conquering lands through the force of arms. Today, normal men like you and i set out to build our financial empires by conquering markets throught the force of self. The blood soaked battlefields of yesterday have made way for the cash soaked commercial battlefields of today, with the large private armies of Family warlords making way for large pools of family capital. Just as armies were needed to shape empires of the past, so too is capital needed today in order to put modern commercial plans of conquest into action.

In there, lies the reason as to why many forex traders fail. They go into battle risking too many soldiers (capital) and without the knowledge of tactics needed to win the fight.

Lets look at that again. 1. They risk too much capital, 2. They do not understand Forex markets.

Many traders both successful and miserable have made these mistakes, the main reason for me writing this article is so you can learn this lesson here and do not have to make this mistake and lose money, or at the very least be cautious enough to minimise your losses.

No general will risk a majority of his men in a battle that he has no plan for and where he has no idea about his enemy. So my question to you is, why would you risk your capital in market conditions you know nothing about? Luckily two remedies exist for the forex general who finds himself in this situation.

1. Make it a rule to only risk 1% of your capital in any one trade. This is to minimise your losses.

2. Educate yourself so you can recognise your chance to strike but also recognise when it is neccessary to withdraw. Learn to read the conditions of the forex battlefield. Great generals of the past would spend years learning battlefield tactics, luckily we can achieve this in a couple of months.

So in summary only risk 1% of your capital in any trade, and educate yourself about how forex markets work.


The first question that any aspiring forex trader asks when he or she gets to the website like this one is: Why is this person revealing his system to general public when he can make all the money he wants in the forex market. Why share the information with other people?
Well, here is the truth. The vast majority of the trading systems out there are useless rehearsed garbage. They are written by people who can not make a single penny in the real trading world.
My interest in trading the financial markets dates back to 1996. when I was banned from most of the Nevada casinos. Up until that time I was making my living by counting cards on Black Jack casino tables.
However, greedy casino managers do not like players who are able to use their brains in order to beat the casino at its own game. They prefer “players” who will leave the last dollar at their “fine establishments”. So I realized that if I didn’t want my legs broken I needed to find another source of income…
Financial markets were the natural choice… That was the best choice that I have ever made. Here I am, 12 years later, financially independent. Free. However, I must admit that I have become completely obsessed with my trade.
To me it is no more a question of money and profits. Forex has become my way of life. I live and breathe EUR/USD, USD/CAD, GBP/USD... At the same time it is a lonely way of life. Most of my family and friends are not that thrilled when I bring the “support/resistance” or “price momentum” terms at the dinner table. They are happy when I always pick up the $500 restaurant bill, but they don’t really care how I made it.
That is why every couple of years I take some time off my main trading business and share the information with people like you. People who are hungry to learn and succeed. Back in 2001. I came out with “Online Trading for Financial Freedom™” that was an instant classic. In 2003. I was the first person on the Net to write a complete forex trading system, put it into pdf format and provide it to general public. It was called “Forex Trading Course™”. In 2005. I published “Forex Trading Strategy™”, a trading system that gave all of the forex industry a severe case of headache.
And now I am coming out with all of the tricks and techniques that I have acquired over the years in a single system that I have named “Street Smart Forex™”. It is a lethal combination of trading techniques that are easy to implement and at the same time brutally effective. It is explained in a manner as if you were sitting at my trading desk and watching me trade.