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1) Capital Value Tax (CVT) on purcha1) Capital Value Tax (CVT) on purchase of shares.
2) Presumptive Tax in lieu of Commission Sale Value of value of sale.
3) Presumptive Tax in lieu of Commission Buy Value of value of purchase.
4) Withholding Tax on Sale calculated on value of sale.
5) Withholding Tax on Carry Over Trades.
6) Current Taxes
se of shares.


If you’ve been trading for awhile and yearn for more features and complexity, take ClassicFX for a spin. The ClassicFX platform has much more power under the hood. Its versatile platform can be accessed on PC, web browser, Smart Phone and PDA. This platform comes with a slew of features, including a fully customizable layout, audible market alerts, advanced charts and much, much more.


What are the advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments?

When thinking about various investments, there is one investment vehicle that comes to mind. The Forex or Foreign Currency Market has many advantages over other types of investments. The Forex market is open 24 hrs a day, unlike the regular stock markets. Most investments require a substantial amount of capital before you can take advantage of an investment opportunity. To trade Forex, you only need a small amount of capital. Anyone can enter the market with as little as $300 USD to trade a "mini account", which allows you to trade lots of 10,000 units. One lot of 10,000 units of currency is equal to 1 contract. Each "pip" or move up or down in the currency pair is worth a $1 gain or loss, depending on which side of the market you are on. A standard account gives you control over 100,000 units of currency and a pip is worth $10.

The Forex market is also very liquid. When trading Forex you have full control of your capital.

Many other types of investments require holding your money up for long periods of time. This is a disadvantage because if you need to use the capital it can be difficult to access to it without taking a huge loss. Also, with a small amount of money, you can control

Forex traders can be profitable in bullish or bearish market conditions. Stock market traders need stock prices to rise in order to take a profit. Forex traders can make a profit during up trends and downtrends. Forex Trading can be risky, but with having the ability to have a good system to follow, good money management skills, and possessing self discipline, Forex trading can be a relatively low risk investment.

The Forex market can be traded anytime, anywhere. As long as you have access to a computer, you have the ability to trade the Forex market. An important thing to remember is before jumping into trading currencies, is it wise to practice with "paper money", or "fake money." Most brokers have demo accounts where you can download their trading station and practice real time with fake money. While this is no guarantee of your performance with real money, practicing can give you a huge advantage to become better prepared when you trade with your real, hard earned money. There are also many Forex courses on the internet, just be careful when choosing which ones to purchase.


A­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g is a­ rea­l­l­y­ so­ph­ist­ica­t­ed a­n­d co­mpl­ica­t­ed piece o­f­ so­f­t­wa­re. It­ is a­ simpl­e, y­et­ ef­f­ect­ sy­st­em used t­o­ t­ra­de f­o­reign­ curren­cy­. Wh­a­t­ it­ do­es is it­ t­ra­des t­h­e spo­t­ f­o­reign­ curren­cy­ ma­rket­ wit­h­ a­ co­mput­erized a­ut­o­ma­t­ed t­ra­din­g sy­st­em t­h­a­t­ en­t­ers o­rders f­o­r y­o­u. F­o­rex t­ra­der’s n­o­w h­a­v­e a­ l­o­t­ o­f­ dif­f­eren­t­ a­ut­o­ma­t­ed t­ra­din­g pro­gra­ms t­o­ put­ t­h­is a­t­t­it­ude t­o­ wo­rk f­o­r t­h­em.

A­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g is go­o­d f­o­r t­h­o­se wh­o­ h­a­v­e t­h­e pa­t­ien­ce a­n­d persev­era­n­ce t­o­ wo­rk it­ o­ut­ o­n­ t­h­eir o­wn­. So­met­imes y­o­u just­ n­eed a­ f­o­rex t­ra­din­g men­t­o­r t­o­ h­el­p y­o­u impro­v­e t­h­e “so­f­t­ skil­l­s” o­f­ t­ra­din­g. T­h­ere a­re a­ l­o­t­ o­f­ skept­ics o­ut­ t­h­ere wh­o­ bel­iev­e t­h­a­t­ f­o­rex t­ra­din­g is t­o­o­ big o­f­ a­ risk. It­ just­ so­ h­a­ppen­s t­h­a­t­ wit­h­ a­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g, t­h­e risk is cut­ do­wn­. I a­l­so­ bel­iev­e t­h­a­t­ in­v­est­in­g in­ a­n­y­ o­t­h­er wa­y­ besides usin­g a­n­ a­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g in­v­o­l­v­es a­ l­o­t­ o­f­ risk. Y­o­u simpl­y­ set­ up y­o­ur pref­eren­ces in­ t­h­e sy­st­em’s set­t­in­gs a­n­d put­ it­ o­n­ a­ut­o­-pil­o­t­.

F­o­rex T­ra­din­g is o­n­e o­f­ t­h­e ea­siest­ wa­y­s o­f­ ea­rn­in­g mo­n­ey­. If­ y­o­u a­re n­o­t­ wil­l­in­g t­o­ see sma­l­l­ perio­ds o­f­ l­o­ss, t­h­en­ a­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g is n­o­t­ f­o­r y­o­u. So­f­t­wa­re ca­n­ be a­ v­a­l­ua­bl­e reso­urce if­ t­h­e righ­t­ o­n­e is sel­ect­ed. Y­o­u o­n­l­y­ f­eed t­h­e da­t­a­ t­o­ t­h­is so­f­t­wa­re, a­n­d it­ giv­es y­o­u t­h­e sign­a­l­s t­o­ t­ra­de. If­ y­o­u decide a­ut­o­ma­t­ic f­o­rex sy­st­em t­ra­din­g is f­o­r y­o­u, just­ h­a­v­e so­me pa­t­ien­t­s a­n­d t­rust­ y­o­ur so­f­t­wa­re f­o­r t­h­e l­o­n­g t­erm, wh­ich­ is t­h­e key­.


If you plan to go into Forex trading and learn Forex basics, one of the first Forex terms you will be introduced to will be the Forex Pip. As you get more involved in Forex currency trading, you will continually encounter it, so you will essentially have to know and understand this important term, and many others like it, in order to learn how to trade Forex successfully.

PIP is the acronym for Percentage In Point, or Price Interest Point, which is used to measure profits and losses in Forex Trading. This is comparable to the term used in the stock market referred as a "point". Basically, the PIP is the unit of measurement for the smallest value (price) change of a currency.

The PIP serves as an easy alternative for measuring the rise of fall foreign exchange currency values in the form of a percentage number. Forex spreads, or the difference between the bid and ask price (buy and sell quote), is measured in PIP's, and is the major cost of Foreign currency trading. This amount is also used to pay the broker facilitating the trade. A lower spread means a lower the payment for the broker, and the trader gets to keep more profits.

The PIP is used in currency trading since the values in foreign exchange is not based on a universal currency, and its monetary value changes accordingly to the currencies involved with each individual trade. The dollar (USD), even though considered to be the most widely traded currency, is not and cannot be involved in all currency trades. For example, if there is trading of two common currency pairs such as the EUR/GBP, the profit and loss margins cannot be measured against the USD, simply because it does not make sense. Thus, Forex trade utilizes the PIP to simplify matters.

Most of the major Forex currencies are marked or quoted to the fourth decimal point, except the Japanese Yen. As an example, let's assume you are quoted a bid for the EUR/USD quoted at 1.0090 and the ask price is 1.0095, the spread is 0.0005 or 5 PIP's. In percentage terms, a PIP is 0.01% of a lot. Take for example the lot size of $100,000, 1 PIP is then worth $10. This is the value of PIP's when using the USD is used as the quote currency.

Trading in one Forex pair, such as the EUR/USD is advisable if you're a beginner. As you get more adept doing this, you'll get a clearer picture of how the PIP measures your gain or losses